Rama Electronics Rama Electronic Institute Mau

Course NameDurationTopicsDuration
Electronic Course12 MonthsBasic Electronic,Transistor,Tape,Steareo,B/W portabale T.V.36cm,B/W/ BigT.V.51cm,

Colore T.V.Remote controlle system,

DVD and CD,Playare,emergency light,Elminiter,stepliger,converter,inverter,

VCR,studie,video Cammera,Telephone etc.
Computerised Mobile Repairing Course (C.M.R.C.)3 MonthsBasic electronic & power Supply,mobile phone,charger & battery,mobile phone block dygram,stepewise testing,

Identification Of section & Fault Finding,computerised mobile Reapairing.Wallpaper Theme

Tone & game,Video Down loading Etc.